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Auto Repair in Murray & Paducah

5 Tips to Get More Tire Buying Traction

What to Look for In New Tires

It seems like tire shopping should be easy, but like looking for that perfect pair of shoes it takes more than choosing the cheapest on the rack. When you’re shopping for replacements, we at Harlan Automotive feel you should know what to look for. If it’s time to look through the tire sales in Murray, KY, here are a few tips to help.

1. Size

It may seem obvious, but you should know what size tire you currently use and what can fit on your wheels. There are advantages and disadvantages to different sizes, and just because they look great on your ride doesn’t mean they’re doing you any favors on the road.

2. Lifetime

You know tires wear out or you wouldn’t be in the position to look at tire sales. Manufacturers provide an estimate of how many miles their products should last, but it always depends on your driving habits too. Usually, all-season tires last the longest while performance varieties have a much shorter lifespan.

3. Features

There are more to tires than what seasons they’re best for. While show tires are specially designed for winter weather, other features can include shortening stopping distances and better water flow over the treads to prevent hydroplaning. Keep your regular driving conditions in mind and choose tires that work well during those times.

4. Speed

Every tire is not only rated for longevity but also for speed. Some are made to handle regular highway driving, while performance tires are engineered to take your vehicle to higher speeds. Based on the type of tire, you may begin to sacrifice traction in inclement weather for that increase, so it’s important to recognize if you actually need a higher speed rating.

5. Cost

For many consumers, this is the priority. Many drivers are willing to sacrifice all of the other features and benefits in exchange for a low price. Since spending a little more can not only save your life and vehicle from accidents, it can also save you money down the road by lasting longer than cheaper options.

The best way to make sure you’re putting the best rubber on your wheels while saving the most is to shop for tire sales. If you don’t wait until you’re desperate for new treads, you’ve got much more time to shop around and get safe, long-lasting tires for less!


Tire Sales