(270) 638-4442
Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
(270) 201-7573
Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Auto Repair in Murray & Paducah

Lobby | Harlan Automotive

Our Reviews

What Customers Are Saying About Harlan Automotive


John said this business is great and they do a good job. The staff does well and he has already referred this business to others. He would like to thank the business for their work.


Brian said that he has been bringing his vehicle into this business for several years. They always do a good job.


David said the employees are good people. They treat him nicely.


Tyler said the business was extremely helpful and very knowledgable about his particular problem when many other facilities were not. The service was quick and satisfactory.


Dayshaun said they were quick and cheap.


Brandon said the business did a really good job.


Mohammed said he went to this business to repair his brakes, but when he drives his vehicle it still makes noises. He would like for this business to contact him so he can schedule another appointment.


Sam said the service was the best.


Harlan Automotive made a great effort to repair my car the same day I brought it in and were exceptionally helpful and friendly.


You all are simply the BEST, and on all fronts: customer service as well as mechanical expertise. Thanks!