(270) 638-4442
Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
(270) 201-7573
Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Auto Repair in Murray & Paducah

Our Reviews

What Customers Are Saying About Harlan Automotive

Lobby | Harlan Automotive
Lobby | Harlan Automotive

Katie said the facility was fairly prompt. They were less expensive than originally projected.


They got me in quick when I messed up my window and got it fixed.


William said the staff did a thorough diagnosis on his vehicle.


Kara said this business was great. They were fast and did what she asked them to do.


Richard said he likes the owners.


Morris said he is very pleased with this business. The representatives did what they said they would do and the work was done on time. He stopped in without an appointment the first time he came to this business and the work was done the same day.


Mary said this business was fabulous. They treated her very well, kept to the time frame they promised and provided transportation to and from the hotel where she was staying. Kimberly was a terrific face of the business, as she was very kind and provided good customer service.


Lauren said everyone is always friendly.


Glenn said they always do a good job.


Gary said he likes the business. They are good people and they do good mechanic work.